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How to talk to your kids about sex and sexuality
Check out my SEXY MAMA "Good Vibrations" blog posts. Click here.
Why sexual health?
Everyone is entitled to a healthy and fulfilling sex life. Whether you're partnered, dating or single, your sexuality is an integral part of your personality that grows with you. What does it mean to you to be sexually healthy? Find out through working with a professional sexuality educator and counselor.
As a sexy mama blogger for Good Vibrations' online magazine, Remi has written on a variety of topics including gender diverse youth, oral sex and teens and talking to toddlers about their bodies.
When you feel sexy, you are sexy

Remi Newman, MA, Bilingual Spanish
Sexuality Educator and Counselor
Why sex education?
Sex education and counseling is a way to come closer to realizing your full sexual potential.
Imagine what it would be like to feel good about your body, be in touch with your true desires and feel confident communicating those to your partner. Individualized sex education and counseling can help you begin to discover how to get there.
How we experience our sexuality can be complex territory. Whether you're dealing with sex drive, orgasm, erection or ejaculation issues, or maybe you just want to take things to another level, sex education and counseling can help you navigate your way to a better sex life.
For parents and caregivers, learning how to talk to your kids about sex can help them grow to be sexually healthy adults.

Remi Newman has spent over twenty years empowering people from a variety of backgrounds and cultures to feel more comfortable as sexual beings. She received her Master of Arts degree in sexuality education from New York University.
Remi is a member of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS) and the American Association of Sexuality Educators Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and has presented at both SSSS and AASECT conferences on the subject of infant and child sexuality.
She has helped new parents/caregivers feel more confident as the primary sexuality educators for their kids and has educated social workers, therapists, teachers and medical professionals including doctors on how to talk to youth and adults about sexuality.

Healthy Sex For Life